hello again

By admirer


I go and at the end I see a man walking with a rollator. Is this the person of yesterday walking in the mist? I take a picture as a kind of remembrance.
When we nearly pass each other, the man says: "ganz freundlich". Translated: very friendly)
I say: "Eh?".
He says: When one hears the click of the photo one must smile. And then he smiles brightly. The translation of freundlich is I know now: smile, or: say cheese.
So he saw me taking the photo. I assent heartily. Yes one must smile. He smiles more brightly and I tell him that I am glad he can smile so broadly.
Now he laughs loud and we pass each other. End of story. I wonder if he was really the person of the photo and if so why did I not tell him that I made that photo yesterday and would he like to see it. But what if he is a different person.
I notify that there are not many persons with rollators here on the streets.
Perhaps in the Carolinum, the revitalisation Centre.

The blip is one of the sheep in the field near the Weser.

The haiku:

The poet Rilke says
Verse is not feeling it
Is experience

And the proverb of Emerson:

The finest poetry was first experience.

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