This is Kristina's Life

By kristinaj

Isn't she lovely?

Snowball got a special treat today: I brought her into my room for some special one-on-one time. It was especially obvious today just how old this beautiful lady has become.

In the past when she was brought in the house for some free time she'd either fly all over the place or fly directly on my head and refuse to leave. Anytime you'd stop by her cage and call her name, she'd fly right over to you and coo/squack right back.

Today that joie de vivre that has defined Snowball for the past 13-14 years was clearly gone--she's clearly an old lady right now. I brought her in because she wasn't responding to my calling her name. Once inside, she was nothing like her former self. Snowball was always so aware of everything--she put certain other animals of mine to shame. Dad mentioned today that he hasn't seen Snowball go out in her perch for quite some time now--one of her favorite things to do. My heart is breaking at the realization that my beautiful dove's days seem to be numbered.

I know that some morning my dad is going to go out to feed Snowball and change her water--just as he usually does--and she won't be there anymore. I dread that day. Sure, she's "just a bird" but that doesn't mean she's any less a part of my family! For 13+ years, she's given us nothing but love. She deserves no less from us.

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