The Day I....

By Paega

The Day I Stayed In And Looked At A Magic Eye

Rain, Work, a cold and the nights are drawing in meant an indoor shot today.

Waiting for my Plecostomus to come out for a photo was every bit as hard as stalking a rutting stag. Well apart from the fact that I wasn't out in the cold and could do other stuff whilst it stayed hidden under the tank's bridge. Actually it was nowhere near has hard as stalking a rutting stag but it took patience (well at least 20 mins).

It eventually came out and I took a few pictures of its mouth on the glass of the tank. Depending on your state of mind they looked either obscene or like a scene from alien so I decided to capture one of hie handsome eyes instead rather than give you nightmares. It's not easy to make a pleco look attractive but I think the patterns around his head are great, a little like those magic eye pictures.

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