Mr Grumps Life in Photos

By MrGrumps


Teddy, our manky 14 year old is obviously wonder where that annoying ginger cat, that nips in and grabs the best chunks of food, has gone.
The whole family, including our other pets, are living in purgatory at the moment. The animals are constantly looking around for Dexter, but he's not there. Even the neighbours cat 'Leon' (wife named him Bertie before she found out) meows in the back garden and this morning poked his head in the back door and looked around for his friend - they play together.

Dexter is still at the vets.

It is dangerous to hope, isn't it?

This morning the vet told me that Dexter's bladder was intact, and that he could find no evidence of other internal damage. This was the best news I could hope for! Dexter was passing (clear) urine, in fact the only problem was that he wasn't able to control it.

This afternoon the vet told me he had referred Dexter to a specialist to repair his leg. Would my pet insurance cover it? No, but that's what credit cards for for. He's one of my family.

This evening at 1740 I phoned him and we talked about Dexters incontinence. It's still early he told me, but if the incontinence doesn't go away it's possible that his nerves have been permanently damaged. If that's the case, then he will never be able to control his bladder and will just leak.

So..tomorrow we will review his progress and decide on the operation. I've already made a decision though. We'll go ahead with repairing his leg - it is one thing closer to him being ok.

That just leaves the bladder issue, and all we can do is wait in purgatory and hope.

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