Silver Lining
When Mr B, working on some taping and filling in a different room, howled in pain and then was silent; I knew something was up. Turns out that his new filling knife is sharper than he expected. He had managed, while cleaning it, to slice through the inside of the top knuckle on his right index finger. Grabbing it, with blood dripping through his fingers, he said he thought it might need a stitch. He said it very calmly, so I calmly wandered (ran) off and found whatever clean tissues and cloths I could to stem the flow while we figured out what to do. What we actually did was have him pace around (he paces a lot - he can't be on the phone without pacing) holding tight onto his tissue wrapped finger. He insisted that I get on with my work (I had a load of wet plaster out and needed to get it on the wall before it went off) so I did. Happily, the blood stopped pumping out after a while, and he pronounced himself fit and well, but unable to work. So, the silver lining is that he had to teach me how to do taping and filling to get the job finished. A useful skill, I feel.
After an early finish to the working day to return home to clean and dress his wound, I picked the kids up, got Katherine started on her marathon homework session and then headed back into school for the meeting on Conor's class, to tell us all what's going on this year. Very interesting it was too, though I feel an hour and a half was a little too long. Katherine had performed admirably in her homework with Mr B as her helper (usually it's my job), so I feel we've a double silver lining in sharing our skills around a bit.
This is a view snapped quickly on my way home. I can never resist rays of light like that.
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