Daily Encapsulation

By Benjofranco

Secure in my Annoyance

I apologise for what looks to be at least my third Macro shot since starting doing this. However, having being on shift you don't get the chance to really go out and snap away much.

I have chosen this shot for today as it has sprung up as a bit of a pain in the arse. It seems that all banks are bringing in their own little reader or fob to aide in the security of online banking. It is, I feel, completely, in contradiction to the very idea of Internet Banking. The old idea being that it was available to you no matter where you were. However, things have changed and it's more - available where ever you are........as long as you have your stupid dongle with you! Oh they may have put a key ring on it but is it really practical to have it on your keys? Plus, if you lose the damn thing it's £35 quid to replace it, doesn't that really make you want to take it out does it?

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