Life with our boys

By Lifewithourboys

A First

While I am thrilled to take this picture I also take it with a bit of sadness...Carter, my baby has lost his first tooth! It also happens to be the first tooth that he got in at one year of age. He was so excited when he first discovered it loose a few weeks ago and he has been working at getting that thing out. The new tooth has almost completely grown in behind where the old one was already so we knew we needed to get the baby tooth out of the way soon. He was so excited last night when it finally came out. Carter had been wiggling it for some time then I asked if I could have a "try" at it. He didn't realize I had gotten it out and it was sitting in my hand when he said "it's just holding on so tight and doesn't want to come out". He was wide eyed and grinning when I showed him what I had in my hand.

I couldn't help but feel emotional over it. Another first for him and another sign that my kids are growing up.

The tooth fairy came last night and left a $5 bill. Carter was excited this morning when he discovered it but said to me "I thought I would get $20". these days! I told him I only got .25 so he needed to be happy with it. Of course now he's begging to go to the toy store after school.

We have Open House at the school tonight and lots to do during the day again. Things never slow down..

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