Five things

By fivethings


1. Off to Edinburgh for a meeting. I've got my new clothes on, which always feels nice. We're at the Union, which is a very cool office in an old church. We always have very creative chats here and today is no different.

2. Walking down the slope into Waverly an woman in her 60s coming in the opposite direction very audibly calls the girl infront of me a stupid cow as she passes. The girl turns to me in and asks if I heard it, which I did. We laugh in shock and start to compare notes on how rude people can be. I've noticed this recently, particularly with older women. Last week I saw two woman in their 70s screaming at each other in the street. Later, walking on a very narrow pavement covered by scaffolding the mature woman ahead of me is clearly agitated when she has to stop to let someone pass and says something rude to them. She hadn't even put down her umbrella. Urgh. Manners, man.

3. New books arrive today; I only have to read the back cover of Bossypants by Tina Fey to be throwing my head back and laughing.

4. Up to Betty's to pick up mum.

5. We go to the Ivory for a bite to eat. This is the rhubarb fool. My sticky toffee pud may not beat it in looks but it tasted ace.

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