I pull from you isjaka...


4 colours of Post-It tabs

Although the green and the yellow ones look almost identical.

This is the dissertation. As you can see I've managed to index it somewhat in preperation for the viva in two days, but I hopefully won't need to refer to it too often, it's all in my head. You usually don't do a viva for a Masters but this whole post graduate degree is about rooting the academic in the practical aspects of real life research. A viva is part of a doctoral thesis submission and this is, in part, practice for that. This dissertation is some of the fundamental work needed for a PhD and is designed with that in mind. The viva is also a way of being able to discuss the research proposal as you would if you were bidding for a grant or comission in competition with others. It's only a half hour discussion with maybe four or five questions from the panel, not one or two hours (or more) required for a doctoral thesis. I already know the written work has passed. I'm still nervous, though. I only finished writing the last part a couple of weeks ago, the first part about ten weeks ago, it's odd having to go back and read it again and again, it seems so short in comparison with the amount of effort that went into it.

Roll on Wednesday.

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