1000's say NO
Thousands of workmen and women and artists and musicians and the handicapt and disabled and tram train and busdrivers just THOUSANDS of dutch said today again NO to the government's plans of cutting on social expenses. The plans for economizing in Holland are disastrous as hundred of thousands will loose their jobs, their benefits, their means of living, their homes and independance. These plans of social cuts get all who can not afford other new cuts in their incomes or loss their jobs.
The cuts this government starts off hit the dutch economy more than they admit.
I'd made a few more pix of the demonstrators and earlier today of the training the horses and military took at Scheveningen beach for tomorrow's day of royal tour thro' The Hague for Prinsjesdag when the queen and her heirs will ride in the golden carriage to the Knight's Hall where she will read the paper of the government for the coming year of governing the country.
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