just allan

By allan

Public Transportation

The children in "rock band" pose on the First Conundrum arty-sphere-thing in Edinburgh. Usher Hall and Castle behind.

With knife-edge timing, we made it on the 10.08 bus to The Space skatepark "Beginners Session" in North Berwick, then the 12.26 train to Edinburgh for the 13.30 showing of Arrietty at the Filmhouse. A quick trip to "the underground toyshop" in Jenners and the 17.08 bus home. Great fun all round.

This, by the way, is not posed. It is of course paused - "Nobody move! Just for a minute!" - and paused again - "Oh, hang on I'll just move round a bit to get that lamppost out of shot" - but not posed.

It's important to instill strong moral values in children.
"Are we allowed up here Dad?"
"No, I shouldn't think so."
"What if we get in trouble?"
"Pretend you're French."

More photos from today on Flickr. I started on a skateboard and ended up on a BMX. Nobody took any photos of me though.

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