Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

All alone

A wee blip of my bike when I left it in Stirling this morning. We had to take Es to her guide camp near Peebles this evening so Mr R & the barmy army picked me up in the car at 5 and we headed down there. Mr R collected my bike mud morning and took it back hone:-)

It was a dry morning and as I was only cycling part of my commute today didn't wear my usual riding gear. Clothing changes the way I approach my ride. Because it was a jeans day today my cycle in had a much more leisurely feel to it...if I'm in my Lycra it's a more focussed and faster affair:-)

We ate on route to the guide camp which meant it had to be something quick. McDonalds isn't one of our usual haunts but that was what was available. For the older members of the army I think it was possibly the second time they had had a meal from the big yellow 'M' was definitely the wee fella's first. As non-meat eaters it's not a place we frequent. Have to say I was pleasantly surprised by what we got to eat and also price...the boys were over the moon that they got a happy meal with a toy!

Dropped Es off in the rain and left them pitching tents in the almost dark:-/ By the time we got back to Stirling it was after 9 so it was bedtime for all. Early start for golf lessons in the morning.

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