My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

One single drop

Hi everyone

Its been a long weekend full of birthday partys and photography and im pretty whacked tonight, not usual for me anyway these days. But an early night is in store ready for another week of early morning school run and probably some tears.

I had a photoshoot with a lovely family today and it was also the grandparents 50th wedding anniversay and a friends little boys 2nd birthday so lots of family memebers. I got some wonderful shots and Thomas and Olivia had fun with there son. Im really pleased with the shots and so are they, and also yesturdays shoot with my friends daughters 2nd birthday so i have some edits to do over the next few days, lets hope my eyes can take it lol.

Hope you all had a fab weekend and hope you all have a great week. This blip was taken this morning with some wonderful flowers that mark saw in the shop, as you know i love water and drops so had to try this again. Hope its ok and sorry its a little late.

Fingers crossed for no tears from my little thomas tomorrow. xxx

see the drop on large


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