
By eightthirty

questions all around

8:30 this morning, I was out walking the dogs. After a good sleep, it was nice to be up and out into the fresh air and wake up slowly!

In the last 23 hours, this graffiti appeared. I reckon it's associated with these other comments and questions.

And it was a good reminder that we all stand for something.

I phoned my Dad while out today as it's his birthday today. He's away at Scarborough for the motorbike racing. That's what he'll be standing for today!

The day unfolded with playing drums at KCC, home for lunch, some sorting out of *things*, and a little cleaning too.

Interestingly, I felt challenged to be single-minded, make choices and get on with living the life I was made for.
Not dwelling in some middle ground, shackled by my indecision.

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