Hello Bunnyrabbits

22months 28days

We've had great day with Granny and Grandad today. Before they arrived, Katie and I were pottering round. I went in the bath. She fell asleep on the floor. I put her to bed and left her a while longer, chatting to Granny and Grandad for a bit. We all had lunch together - watching a very heavy rainstorm, which kindly stopped just as we left to go out.

We went to the lakes near us and had a lovely time. We started out feeding the ducks, using a bag of bread and stuff that we'd taken. In that bag was a crumpet. The ducks went mad over it and were chasing each other to snatch the pieces. Katie thought the "chasy ducks " were brilliant.

We walked round to the chickens (who are still cockadoddledoddles) and she fed them the 'proper' duck food. The budgies rejected the duck food, so she moved swiftly on to the rabbits. We spent ages with the rabbits. There are now 4 who are on a fairly serious "we want to bring you home" list. Katie rather bonded with 2 in particular - this one, and a white with ginger one. Everywhere she went, they followed her round. They ate from her hand and let her stroke them.

We then went to another lake, on a tip off from a (slightly potty) elderly, eccentric gentleman. Who was later heard singing from a hymn book at the absolute top of his voice. His tip off did however prove accurate - there was beautiful and very tame black swan. The swan swam right up to the edge and "talked" to us for rather a long time. He wasnt impressed with the food, preferring instead to eat chocolate cookie. He was even less impressed when we left.

We went off round the rest of the lake, watching a thunderstorm approaching, making it to the car just in time. Granny has just finished cooking a Sunday roast at our house, and they're staying the night. Grub's Up!

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