Just the Withers......

By JaneW

The sign says..

eat cup cakes,so it would be rude not to.
Lucy feels much better today,she thinks it was excessive food intake that made her feel ill........it was that last scrape of McFlurry... finished her off,she is sure.
Took the girls to climbing club it was a real effort this morning I can tell you,came home,prepped tea so I don't sit down and not want to get up again (still feel rubbish,but lets not go on about that) so I have got cottage pie ready to go (not made of any real English cottages for anyone of simple thought) and then I used some lemonade syrup and made these ere'lemonade cupcakes... it gives them a crunchy top... well,I like a crunchy top on a cake... if it were on a human I'd insist on an anti-viral.......
Finish my book about the Romans and begun one called The Slap... ohhh I am only a few chapters in but I know I am going to love this book !!!
The Slap

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