There's Not a Thing That I would Change!
You did all make me laugh!
Even my husband thought it was my cleavage - he wasn't sure which one - and he knows the surgery I had.
It was my NOSE.
That curve of my nose at the bottom right hand corner.
I had a mole which sat right in the crease of my nose. If I had coloured it gold or silver it would probably have passed as a stud, but it wasn't. Sometimes it hurt, sometimes it bled. Sometimes kids poked me and said "What's that on your nose?"
By the time the Doctor suggested I had it removed, it was probably twice the size it was when I first remember noticing it.
Surgery was day surgery - there's nothing quite like having your face cut into when your eyes are taped shut. And after some tugging and pulling, and 7 stitches, I was free of it.
The next day, black eyed, and scabby, my boss insisted I went back to work. Bastard.
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