All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

I love you Eden!

A very mixed day today.

I was up during the night with Ethan, which although unusual these days, is the second time this week.

I took him to his gymanstics class this morning. He isn't great at joining in with the actions and songs at the beginning and just wanted to be held today. However as soon as they let them have free reign with the gym equipment there is no stopping him and he did really well today. His favourite part though is at the end when they have to line up and present their reward cards to get a sticker and a stamp on their hands!

He was really grumpy after that though although we did manage a quick trip to Sainsbury's and he did eat some lunch. The two of us drove over to visit Foreveryoung at 1pm and Ethan fell asleep in the car on the way over. And carried on sleeping .... and carried on sleeping ... and carried on sleeping. Two hours forty minutes later he finally woke up! He is choked with the cold at the moment though which is why I think he was grumpy and he clearly needed a long nap. When he woke, he was a changed boy. Although still full of the cold, he was really cheerful and played nicely with Eden. She even got some nice kisses and cuddles from him. We stayed for dinner and he ate really well and stayed sitting at their table way longer than he does at home.

After dinner, we all went to their local playpark where Ethan had his first shot of a deathslide. He went on with Mr Foreveryoung and enjoyed it so much they had 3 more shots! What a daredevil son I have!

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