Nell's World

By nell2803

40th Birthday Celebrations

McRoberts Arts Centre at Stirling University celebrates it's 40th birthday this weekend.

To celebrate there are performances, workshops, ceilidh, disco and cake. All of the youth groups are taking part and all in all it has been a very exciting and busy day. We left at six o'clock but the celebrations are going on until 2am.

One of the activities involved a tour of the theatre with an ipad. The tour finished with the participant on the stage and the curtain coming up to let them feel what it was like to be on the stage. For the last handful of tours all of the youth groups gathered in the theatre and pretended to be the audience. To the surprise of the person on stage the 'audience' started to clap, scream, throw flowers and rush to the stage. The surprise on their faces was great fun to see.

(Daughter throwing herself onto the stage!)

Probably not the best shot but the lighting was poor and the action was very, very fast.

Feet up now and Dr. Who on the box. Daughter seems tired as the celebbrations for her lasted a full six hours.

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