
It's been the longest day. It's beyond dinner time and I am still in a meeting in office. Dinner is waiting at home but I don't know it. I haven't gone about marking items off my list in a methodical manner. I have left it to one day. It is more demanding, it's what I enjoy. I enjoy the demands. When it's time to leave, few street lights are on when I expect none. But I know the road, the shifting potholes, the ones where water still remains. But I do not know how the tar shines when light is thrown upon it. I am speeding, close to 40 km/h over the small distance. Even by bag is black, and in an odd way I am very careful. My pulse is racing all the way through and I can comfortably hold it. I break into a sweat after I lug the bike up five floors. But it has relaxed the mind after a 14-hour working day. My long list of items are all ticked off. Again, I owe cycling.

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