Inventors of Tradition

And verily I say unto you, did not the rains descend once more on that northern land, banishing the sunshine of yesterday to the southern extremities of the island much favoured by the governing echelons of society.
And did not those poor sodden souls of the north have to unfurl yet again, with heavy hearts, their umbrellas and walk about in the the wetness of the earth.

And with the rain did not the place become dark and unwelcoming whereupon they realised that winter was drawing nigh and did they not resort to comfort eating to lighten their burden of deep gloom, knowing that their burden was physical as well as mental when they looked down at their weighing machines.

And was it not prescribed that on that day his Lordship and Ladyship of the Dower House should travel to the great city in the west, wherein daughter #4 did host a book launch for the great and the good in The Mackintosh Art College, being the culmination of the exhibition she did organise in the spring , cried 'Inventors of Tradition'.

And lo I say unto you that while Edinburgh looked depressing in the rain, Glasgow in the wet looked like the apocalypse had arrived.
His Lordship and her Ladyship did journey up steep roads running with water to the appointed place and did marvel yet again at the architecture of those hallowed halls wherein did creativity reign supreme.
And they did sup champagne like there was no tomorrow in a toast to the culmination of an oeuvre of great magnitude.

And they returned to the east , well pleased with their evening amongst the artistic people.

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