Squiffy by the Sea

By squiffy

Spiney Norman

I've been at me desk for about 11 hours today with a combination of work and OU assignment. It was worth it though, I have finished the 2012 holiday brochure and I have also got 95% of the essay done and a big chunk of the practical. It seems to have taken forever but the practical is hideously complex, even the question runs over 7 pages of A4, let alone the answer.

Anyway I should get it all done tomorrow I think and then I need to go out and find an anniversary blip :-)

Today, all you get is what was in the room with me, one of my cacti, this one is called Spiney Norman and I have had him since he was about the size of my thumb. I re-potted him this summer and he is growing like mad at the moment. I hope I don't have to re-pot him again, I still have the scars from last time !

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