That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Stairway To Heaven

One of the walks suggested on our pre-holiday websearch was through the Marais district, so that was today's activity.

There's far too much to report in detail for a blip (I tried and gave up) but it was a fascinating glimpse of the different cultures and architecture in a very small area.

By the time we'd finished the tour we wanted to sit and rest the feet and headed for the river...then aimed towards Notre-Dame...then went in, just before the evening service began. We listened, along with a crowd of other non-participants, to most of it. (well, our French isn't that good) before wandering along the Left Bank, from where I took this photo of what I guess is saints on their way to Heaven (have't the time to research just yet, but if anyone knows, please say) via the spire on the cathedral. (Try looking in large)

The weather has been fine, forecast warm tomorrow, so another walk is likely, there are plenty to choose from the guide book.

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