Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Things around the home part 5...

The coffee machine of Wonder and Awe and one friend who did not take the shoot seriously ... Soooooooooo here is my coffee machine,it does not have a name as I don't give inanimate objects names.It is simply the dog's nuts of coffee machines and that is all you need to know.HOWEVER someone today (David Dickensons love child ) did laugh... so she was roughed up... and just after this picture was taken as she lay laughing on the floor Pepe came up and licked her chops.. HAHAH warm Pepe smooches.On the other side of me is the very respectful Moonchopsbigtits.. she is a nice girl,she has better manners than the tanned up pixie.
I better mention JAYNEY Upton as she gets a bit wild and thrashy if she is not chatted about every so often.. she will like this next section as she always sighs and rolls her eyes when I mention I am to 'teach myself something' ...it is well known I am rather lazy and get bored quickly like the time I was to knit a blanket.. and the time I was taking up golf..... well todays whim is painting... last time I painted something Mr W had to get someone in to undo all I created in the hallway..... today I decided to egg shell the paintwork in the front lounge.... I have done one coat..... hmmmmmmmmmm now,now I feel a little bored..... it certainly needs more than one coat..... and can I just add,remember when I looked at the giant mower... well,Mr W called me to have a go the other week and the mower dragged me over and I was pulled along until eventually as it mangled a small bush as it came to a halt.I don't like doing things. I am best left to just sitting and eating,its not wise for me to have a project... ohh and I cant go to work as they always sack me..I have no idea why xxx

p.s don't talk to me about glossing.. I don't touch gloss paint... me and gloss paint DO NOT DO WELL TOGETHER..I AM NOT ALLOWED NEAR ANYTHING THAT IS NOT WATER BASED... also I am not allowed near the tyre pressure thing... I let all our tyres down once and lay supine and cried until Mr W came to fetch us.

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