Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Maya, Botanic Gardens.

It's a lovely day and I had to venture out to get more electricity (Curses on the bloody pre-pay metre! Thank God it'll finally be gone on tuesday and I can live like a civilised grown up again. know what I mean....) so I thought I'd take a wee wander to the Botanics, as they are so very nearby now, and see if I could spot the Jungle City animals they have there.

Eventually, having trekked right across and around, feeling knackered, no longer very cheerful and still not having found any, I headed for the big information centre at the West Gate. And low and behold there they were!

Quite disappointed they are inside though, would have been much nicer to happen across them and take pretty leafy photos, although perhaps there are more I haven't seen yet? This will have to do for today :)

Now, time for coffee....

'Maya' the orangutang by Emma Semple can be found in the John Hope Gate at the Botanics

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