Tangled Web

The early morning sunlight revealed a thousand silvered spiders' webs in the bean field this morning. This is, after all a photography site, and I like the picture, so no tenuous link. I thought about Burns' webs, but no deception, and definitely no Black Widows!
It's up to you if you wish to read on!

Thank you so much for your encouraging comments over the past 3 days, I'm thrilled you've enjoyed Harry Stocracy almost as much as me. There could be several more chapters, but all good things have to come to an end.

Harry Stocracy Part 4

When we got back from Ireland I was invited to stay at his beautiful home as often as I could manage, although my work occasionally got in the way! We were also entertained at a variety of magnificent historic homes, by his friends.
He did come and visit me, once.
"I must meet your mother. .."
"Hello, how delightful to meet you, isn't your daughter just stunning?"
He said, as he slapped me on the bottom.
"I can see where she gets it from." (*Creep*) Thank goodness he didn't slap her too!

As the summer faded, just as it is now, so, the novelty faded for us too.
I found the dinner party conversation shallow and bigoted. My tongue was ulcerated from all the biting. I was asked far too often
"Are you related to the Hugankiss' of...." Insert any county in England, Scotland or Ireland. (Sorry Wales, you didn't get a mention.)
"No, I don't believe I am."
" Oh! And where did you go to school?"
My Grammar school education just wasn't acceptable.

Harry Stocracy is lovely, funny, great company and a complete eccentric. He also falls in love, at the drop of a hat. He cannot help himself. He devotes himself totally to the current project, until, like a magpie, something else sparkly catches his attention.
Fortunately, I went into this with my eyes wide open, and came out feeling rejuvenated, others, I understand, may not.
We occasionally bump into each other and he hasn't changed, he never will. He is now married, (3rd time I believe) to a lovely lady that Wallis Simpson would certainly approve of.

Maybe I just wasn't thin enough, or rich enough!

Harry Stocracy this is for you x

5 things I learnt about the Aristocracy from Harry.

1. "Patio? It's not a patio, darling, it's a terrace!"
2. "Say 'What' or 'eh?' Not 'pardon' - that is so middle class, Hugankiss."
3. Wear classic, preferably inherited, clothes whenever possible.
4. Always ask "Are you related to.....?" It's frightfully important.
5. The first hour of the day must be spent writing notes for staff on the back of used envelopes.

5 must haves to be considered Aristocracy.

1. A boot room, a gun room and a rod room.
2. A silver cupboard. It's a huge baize lined room large enough for a family of four to live in comfortably, with floor to ceiling shelves of monogrammed bone china dinner services and drawers of silver flatware.
3. Dogs, lots of them, some in kennels in the stable yard, others littering up the boot room, and a favourite sleeping by the fire.
4. Friends to stay with throughout the UK and beyond. Mostly old school chums, whom you haven't seen for years, and don't really like very much. "Never stay in hotels, Hugankiss, they're ghastly."
5. Staff, to read the notes that you've spent the first hour of the day writing on the back of used envelopes.

P.S. Re the link. Of course I prefer the original by The Kinks!! But the guy with the dogs in the video bears an uncanny.....

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