Year Three

By RobotChicken

Homeward Bound 58/62 (maybe - lost count)

Today we pointed Goat homeward bound. Goat only gets to do 1,500 of the next 6,000 miles. Some plane at Gatwick will take up the final bit of slack. Something that I'm sure Goat is very appreciative of.

First job of the day is to escape Romania. Easier said than done and with the current paranoia it was going to be slow going. Plenty of cops on the road as we discovered, including the 2 who got me for speeding a few days earlier. However, it didn't take us long before we joined in the game of flashing on coming cars about the speed trap they were about to enter.

But we took it easy for the day and eventually reached the Hungarian border, where we stretched Goat's legs to the huge speed of 62mph (gps). We're not in any hurry for the ferry as that's still over 2 days away, and we only (ONLY) have to cover 1400 miles in total. But at this point we are 250 of the worst miles done. From here on it's sitting back on cruise control (best £500 I ever spent), and watching the countryside roll past, very slowly.

Hungary isn't a country I particularly like - seems just a little boring for my taste, and not a little bit flat for the most part. Well, at least the bit we're driving through.

Finding somewhere to stop this evening was a task and a half. We had pretty clear and accurate instructions on where to find a campsite, but after 45 minutes we couldn't find it. We bailed and had dinner in a set of services. But a conversation with England gave us renewed energy to find the missing campsite, and after many phone calls we decided that what Google Earth and the internet was showing did not exist in reality.

We were then given instructions for another campsite. We really didn't fancy sleeping at some services, especially with security signs and the cops patrolling the service areas where the other assortment of vans and lorries were sleeping. Really doesn't make you comfortable. Plus with the amount of trash around, it's not a place I was particularly enjoying being in either. Even me, who can rough it with the best has a limit, and when the rubbish outside is virtually knee height - it reached that limit.

Not so much a truck stop as a trash stop.

Anyway, with renewed hope (and instructions) we found the replacement campsite perfectly. 7E per person is a bargain, especially not to be kicking trash from around Goat.

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