
By earthdreamer

Angel of the Tarn

I'm not going to be disingenuous and pretend not to be aware that some of my recent blips have been a bit special. You know when something has a bit of a wow factor. When I post a blip I'm excited about myself I've always found that you've endorsed my own feelings with lots of hearts and great comments. And, wow, that always feels so very good. I'm really incredibly grateful for the compliments, especially at the moment when there is so little time for me to reciprocate. Now. several people lately have asked me as to my secret! Well, it's simple really. It's just about being in the right place at the right time ... and having a guardian blip angel looking after you!

Working late again, I had no more than a five minute slot to get a decent picture today. I left the house with the sky looking like this (a shot taken from my balcony which was going to be my reserve blip) to take a quick dash up to the tarn en route to the station. Not surprisingly, it started raining almost immediately after I had captured this. I got my reward for putting my blip before the possibility of a thorough soaking.

Being the perfectionist that I tend to be, I would normally have binned this image because of the lens flare. It was a pretty extreme shot, taken directly into the sun as it momentarily - and right on cue - found a gap in the rather menacing clouds. But in this photograph I've actually managed to capture my guardian angel (just left of centre, hiding in the trees on the little island), so, really, how could I not blip this?

You need to go large to see her properly. This artifact is actually quite seriously spooky. I have no explanation. Of course, it's possible you might tell me that it's all in my imagination and that you can't see anything bar a few little orbs of light. Perhaps it's all down to the long, long hours at the computer. Please let me know! I'm starting to worry about myself.

I cherished all the wonderful comments and hearts on yesterday's Signed Sophia. I can assure you that although the image was processed it was only to do justice to the vivid tones that I witnessed in that remarkable early morning light. You can actually see here the spot where it was taken in the far distance, just to the left of my angel!

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