Day 364 of my 365 & quite possibly one of the worst photos I've posted. Until today, I think the most Northerly part of the UK I've visted was either Carlisle or Newcastle upon Tyne, I've driven up to Scotland today and my 40 before 40 photo was going to be the 'Welcome to Scotland' sign. But the wind was swirling, the rain was pouring and there was nowhere safe to stop, so I didn't
Back at the hotel, plan B. I'm not a big film watcher and my workmates were horrified to know I've never seen the Great Escape so watching it was added to the 40 before 40 list. But it's on for almost 3 hours & I didn't start watching it till very late, but I've made a start.
- 0
- 0
- Sony SLT-A33
- 1/13
- f/5.0
- 55mm
- 100
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