Watching and waiting

Sometimes I treat myself by catching the train to Blackfriars so I can walk along the north bank of the Thames to the office. It's really glorious in the sun with the various boats, gulls, ducks and, if I'm lucky, a cormorant or two. I love their bright green eyes and patterned wings. They always perch on the high posts, which is handy because there's usually a piece of architecture behind them. I think I've missed the spring/summer punk season so the cormorants will be coming into winter fashion now.

You'll be pleased to know that I've introduced myself to the man sitting opposite me in the office. I tidied my desk and managed to startle him by accidentally knocking stuff onto his desk. I decided that it was a good opportunity so we swapped names and circumstances (he's also a freelance). I feel better now.

However... on the train platform this morning was a man I recognised, but I wasn't sure from where. Sure enough, when I arrived in the office, the train platform man was sitting across the aisle. He didn't seem to recognise me from the platform. Let's see how long it takes for me to find out who he is. He probably lives next door to me. I kid you not - a few years ago, Fred met someone on the local train who turned out not only to work at the same place as Fred, but also lived nextdoor. If it hadn't been for the conversation on the train, we may never have known our nextdoor neighbours.

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