My Shed
I am feeling a bit inadequate in the shed department today :)
Red threw down the challenge in the gardening discussion forum urging us gardeners to showhim our sheds. He then promptly blipped ths humungeous specimen. Thinking that it was a one off I was not too dismayed until today when Northern Exposure blipped her monster shed!
I can't be the only one with a dinky 8 x 6 ft shed, surely?
I am glad we tidied it out ready for the winter the other weekend. Believe me when I say that before that it was a matter of opening the door, chucking things in and then quickly slamming the door closed. It was amazing what turned up during the tidy up - many half used seed packets with a use by of date circa 2007, assorted pieces of wire (rusted), my very nice leather gardening gloves (last seen 2008), my driving gloves and enough plant pots to re-stcok B&Q single handedly, to name but a few
Now at least I CAN walk in, find my tools and pick things from the shelves without fear of avalanche :)
So there you have it, my shed.
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