Love is.....
Lolling ones tongue at the same time as avoiding a little shit Shih Tzu pooch who keeps biting you when you run past.....( Pepe is now out of shot trying to take on a rambler) .. Had a lovely walk with my dear old chum Michele... and she is OLD ... realllly reallllllly old ;)... anyway moving swiftly on her dog is Roxy who is the white boxer and Marley is the pooch that I walk in school term time,the pooch of Flora who I blip with Eve a lot.We walked for about 67 miles in an hour and bit, how fast are we !!!!
I was so worn out when we got in I have taken to the sofa with a packet of cheese and onion crisps (chips for my American friends) and I have also stolen some of Mr W lunch.I cant have my lunch yet as my mate Lesley is stopping by with her lunch box and she won't want to eat alone.
I have ironed.... it has made me peeky...
Some concern has been shown about yesterdays lack of cake discussion... I had some of my home made tray bake at lunchtime,don't worry I am not looking gaunt xxxxxxxxxxx
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