Colorful Life Journey

By suriLife

Mugwort Injeolmi

This is a korean dessert I made as I reached home from work *learn it from youtube*.. Yea.. am kind of tired from working today and driving like an hour from work to reach home. On top of that, I've not even rest yet.. I guess, cooking is something that I've to do and it somethings that I enjoy doing... Now, I sound just like my mom.. *lol*

Anyway, I decided to make mugwort injeolmi instead of the plain ones that I made yesterday.. I brought the dessert to work today for my korean phD student and my supervisor to test tasted it.. He said that the dessert was delicious.. I should sell them .. *lol* Yeah.. perhaps when I retire from work.. :D

As I made this I wish that my friend is here to taste it..

Anyway, it's a sticky sweet rice dessert.. vegetarian of course..
Yummmsss!! Enjoy!!..

~~ xoxo ~~

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