Choices, choices ..

Yesterday was a very hectic day for me, I was in bed by 9.30pm and slept until 9.30am this morning, feel much better.

Conversation with Mum this morning ..

Me 'have you any white washing'
Mum 'yes, my bra'
Me 'okay, put it in the washing machine'

20 minutes later she emerges from the bedroom and says

'guess what I've done', several things went through my mind, 'what' says I, I've not packed another bra, says she. So the one and only bra is in the washing machine. so she has to wait until the wash cycle has finished, then the bra is put in the tumble drier, eventually she is able to get dressed, its now 12.30pm

I asked the question 'how often do you change your underwear' 'once a week came the reply' she does at least shower every day.

Omlettes for tea tonight, she didn't like the way I cook my omlettes, so as a recompense we took her to Torreveija to the night market, she then had a coffee and a large baileys at one of the cafes, and is at this moment sitting watching tv with another baileys.

Me, I'm going to have a vodka and tonic.

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