Click Click Redemption

By Seoirseo

Mexican Shadow Puppet Show

Actually it's some poor sod updating the projected advertising display for this shop. At the very least I hope they was getting all the free coffee they could cope with.

It was about 9.30 in the evening, when I spotted this and quickly reached for my camera before he/she disappeared and was replaced by some pretty, tempting, steaming coffee!

If you go large (terrible pun) you may just see the silhouette of another poor sod cleaning directly underneath.

Had been in a pretty dark mood on my walk to fetch my Primal Scream tickets, thinking about money/jobs/future, but the above sight in conjunction with seeing at least 3 homeless people making the pavement their bed for the night, helped me to realise just how fortunate I am.

And how my worries are so minor compared to most. Self-pity quickly banished.

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