Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Dead Meat, South Swiss Stylee....

"Darlin child , how do we treat guests to our country?"
"Well, Daddy, if they are nice, and we like them, like, we give them tea and scones with butter and honey, maybe jam, if it's not mouldy out the pot."

"And darlin' child, what do we do with guests who are not so nice?"
"We give them tea, and a last cigarette, and hang them on a hook, and strip the skin offa them, and scald the bare flesh with vinegar and salt while the bucko is still twitchin', and mebbe add a bit of boilin' water, and pull the neck of them til they flop, an' wrap them in a tarpaulin, and put them in the back of the jeep, and go and dig a little hole up the mountains, and let them sleep with Baby Jesus in the hole in the woods."

There is an individual in this wonderful country we share, that has caught my eye.

I have a relentless eye.

Consider your card marked.


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