Point de Vue

By Alsacienne

Flavors of Provence

Yesterday's blip was on the colors of Provence, today I'm adding its flavors!

We went to the local open market called 'marche de Provence,' which are held once or twice a week, depending on the size of the village. Local producers come and feature their wares in little open aired stands, among throngs of people who fill up their grocery bags.

There's everything from olives of all shapes and sizes and their derivative products (tapenades, soap, oils) to locally caught fish to 'saucisson' of all kinds and herbs galore, and of course, as befits France, cheeses: round, square, logs, goat, sheep, cow -- with or without herbs.

I was reviewing my photos right before having dinner and I swear I was salivating! ;) Such simple ingredients, but such hearty foods. I am going to enjoy living here (wherever the specific here is!)

More pix on my my FB page

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