
By marshland

A gusty moment!

Mondays to me mean:
-early starts (not wanting to get out of my comfy bed)
-chatting with friends
-more learning
-even more learning!
-PE (mostly boring - but today was a good surprise!)
-home time (yippee)
-my one day of no after-school clubs
-photo and TV time
-24 (with a bit of luck!)
-Blip and bed

Mondays are busy days all round really!

It's really, really windy here today. My friend at school tells me that apparently we're enjoying (or not) the tail end of a hurricane. As it is so windy, I thought that I couldn't miss a bit of 'wind action' for today's blip. This is a 'for sale' sign that is across the road from me. I think it may fly off at this rate! Hope the weather's a little calmer wherever you are today.

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