Random Rubbish

By randomrubbish

Amy Pond

Not a gratutious piece of trainspotting, but this pond has always intrigued me when I've seen it from the train going to Glasgow. It is just before Linlithgow when travelling from Edinburgh.
I was on a walk along the Union Canal and found the pond by accident, having heard the sound of a train going by and walking up a path to investigate.
I suppose the wildlife must thrive in the pond, it's pretty inaccessable being on the wrong side of one of the busiest lines in Scotland. I don't know if the pond was there before the railway or has happened as a result of the railway; that part of the line is in a deep cutting. Perhaps it was emergency water for steam trains in days gone by.
I don't even know if it has a name. Might I suggest "Amy" as a suitable name?

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