Day By Dave

By daybydave

History in the Making

This most unprepossessing monument charts some of the history of Brentford. And that history goes back near 2000 years for events of significance. And this monument was made to commemorate the finding of the timber remains of the old fortified ford crossing in 1911.

AD54 - Julius Caesar crossed the Thames here as he and his legions marched to Verulamium, now St Albans. But it wasn't a straight forward crossing. They were met by Cassiuellaunys, head of the Britons. I've not bothered researching the outcome but I'm pretty certain that was an away win for the Romans.

AD 780-1 - We have the arrival of our first King. King Offa held a Church council here along with his wife, The Bishops and principal officers. Don't think there was much fighting, but you can never tell with bishops.

AD 1011 - Kings number 2 and 3 appear as Edmund Ironside drives Cnut and his Danes back over the Thames. Home Win!

AD 1642 - The English Civil War throws up a local Derby as Charles II takes on Parliament, Captained by Oliver Cromwell. As a blueprint for the future the King didn't actually fight himself but supposedly watched the action from the roof of nearby Boston Manor House.

The monument, now on Brentford High Street used to be at the bottom of Ferry Lane but history can't stand in the way of redevelopment. I mean, what's 2000 years of history compared with the chance to own a highly expensive one bedroom flat.

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