
Not sure what these flowers are - they were some bulbs I planted very late which I bought in good old Sainsbury's I believe that they are supposed to flower in June but they had plant until the end of May on the box I bought them almost at the end May then planted in early June - I thought they'd stay dormant until next year, then some leaves popped through so I thought it would only be greenery this year but nope in the last couple of days they have decided to flower..

Oh I popped into the shop in Cecil Street I blipped on Thursday yesterday on the way to the British Library - oh my god the woman is mad she was runing around like a headless chicken and she made me feel like I was 6 years old asking for sweets. Apparently she knew without looking that in 36 years she'd never heard of any of the names I'm mentioned when I asked if she had anything Indian related. She deffo had a Basel Faulty edge about her.

Its been a bit of a lazy day here F1 and X-Factor but at least the ironing is up to date or the stuff that's dry everything I washed yesterday is still wet which means it must be pretty cold

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