Dutch Skies

By RonBuist

Pieterburen again

I went to Pieterburen again, where the Seal Rehabilitation and Research Centre is located. For more information about the centre, take a look at my April 11, 2010 blip. I went there with my mom and Nienke and Inge, while Martine stayed at home where Ellis was sleeping. Lots of construction activities going on at the centre and we couldn't really see the whole centre because of that. We had lots of fun regardless. This picture was taken through a window where you can see the seals under water. This seal had me wondering who is watching who here. There were lots of young seals in the centre; those would not have made it if it weren't for human intervention. But then again, they might not have been separated from their mothers either if it weren't for human intervention.

It's been a busy week at work and with all other activities. On top of that, the weather remained horrible so when I did have some time for landscape photography, it was raining heavily. Thing will improve though. Right? I hope so anyway, because on October 7th I will attend the Masterclass Landscape Photography: a weekend filled with photography of sunrises and sunsets and lots of talking about photography as well. Two colleagues and fellow blippers will be there as well: Niels and Herman.

Other news: besides the Tuscany 2011 album, the album for last year's summer holiday is finished as well now and we have received the results in the mail. A lot of work but both albums look absolutely fantastic.

More news: yesterday Martine and I bought an exercise bike. We both usually go out for bicycle rides but with the current weather we're afraid we'll never get any exercise. We assembled it this morning and I have just finished my first work-out. I enjoyed it; let's hope it will stay that way so there will be lots more. I'll admit I need it and I want to get rid of quite a bit of weight...

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