
By astudyinscarlet

the geeks shall inherit

marginally better day at work today, tho not impressed that the sun vanished half-way thru the morning, with me yet to blip a sunny pic! oh well, i'm at work all weekend, so i guess it makes little difference really.

mostly it was a good day as it was comic book day, hurrah! apart from some notable exceptions, i'm not into superheroes (i like anti-heroes and flawed characters more: batman, john constantine, spider jerusalem), but to me there's nothing like the way the comic book/graphic novel medium transmits a story.

don't believe me? take a browse thru anything by neil gaiman or alan moore, two writing gods of the medium; see how mike carey tunes into william blake's echoes in the 'lucifer' series, or even flip thru the mini-series of 'the iliad' - homer's lilt and story, but with none of the boring bits (i swear, the only thing you get from reading the catalogue of the ships in book two is the certain knowledge it's half an hour of your life you'll never see again).

and the things some of the artists can do with a packet of pencils (off the top of my head - and google - comes this page from '1602' by neil gaiman with artists andy kubert and richard isanove).

and c'mon, who wouldn't want to be remembered as the man who created spider-man and the hulk?

all in all, a day with comics in it - and thus an escape into another world, whether homeric troy, gotham city or LA-gone-to-hell which is where today's issue of 'angel' takes place - is a good one.

/geekery ends/

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