Sunday: Posh Hotel with Streaky Bits

As the title says, this is a posh hotel, with a little streaky bit thrown in.  It is pretty newly refurbished so it does come across as incredibly smart and sparkly.  I am not sure if it is my imagination but it seems that London is getting better at lighting up some of its buildings.  Not very environmentally friendly I know, but it does make for a pretty scene.

It's a good thing I took this when I did - the rest of the nightshift, from midnight onwards, was probably the busiest and most intense I have known it.  When I left work, feeling a little shaky, imagine how my little heart sank to find that all my transport was up the spout.  I have had to take a very circuitous route home and now have to go and lie in a dark room, with a damp lettuce leaf on my forehead, to recover.

This was my last nightshift for a while so back to daytime shooting, I'm afraid.....

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