From Cymbeline

By Cymbeline

Suckers, every one

Not the most exciting photo, is it?

But I put it up for two reasons.

The first is that today was the 10th birthday of our growers market, a very popular market that I had a small bit to do with in its inception, particularly in regards to it being in Blackheath.

The second is that this stall is wildly successful. It sells herbs and vegetables by the seedling - you fill up the punnets with whatever you fancy. This being the first spring market, and the unseasonably warm weather we've had (apart from the last two days which have been back to the coooold), means that everyone is out planting tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, capsicums etc etc. They'll all be dead before the month is out - the rule here is that these shouldn't be planted until the end of the first weekend in November.

Ah well, we all of us, all around the world, (I know, as I've heard you) dream of a fine and sunny summer.

I tried to resist the frost tender ones, I really did.

But I didn't.

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