A Dog's Dinner

By G

The Plantsman

This is Hugh who runs our local plant nursery and what a place it is too. It's set inside the old walled garden of Dungraig Castle and has all the plants we crave.

The business has it's ups and down mainly because of it's seasonal nature and the lack of people living in the area but he struggles on providing a great service and great plants.

So today we got loads of vegetable plants for the greenhouse now that the season is really underway.

**Today's adventure.

When I got into the car I noticed a terrible smell. After checking my shoes, we live in the country after all, and checking the outside of the car, I found nothing. As I drove on it was getting stronger and stronger. Eventually I stopped and threw the Dog Pasha into a stream and gave him a good wash. Back in the car and the smell was getting stronger still. Again I pulled over and checked under the seats and there I found the bottle of milk that I had forgotten about after the big shop last week.


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