It just sort of clicked.

By shaunm

Oh crums!

Long day today... spent the night in Milton Keynes in a Travellinn, then stuffed a rather nice large veggie breakfast this morning.

The staff development thing was good, got some useful information that I have absorbed in order to repeat should I get asked by students... some funny moments in the presentations too which is always a plus.

The most enjoyable part though was that Sarah, nogbad & Jillyshaw were also there! It's great to meet Jill and Sarah in person for the first time and nogbad again (although I'm sure he probably had forgotten me from before). The weird thing was though that shortly after I arrived, one tutor from region 6 said "You're Shaun aren't you?" I was somewhat taken aback and asked if my reputation had preceded me or something... apparently it's because I'm one of the 'young ones'.... it is strange that someone in another part of the country has heard of you... still not quite sure if thats a good thing or not!

Sarah and I went for a short walk at lunch and had a bit of a geeky chat about photography (well, it was more of a photography lesson for me which is brilliant! Sarahs lucky she lives a long distance away or else she'd have me tagging along a lot!) She showed me how you can make a fire alarm system, a light and even some random boxes on a wall look interesting. Thanks Sarah!

Only down side to this was that when we got back, all the cakes had gone... The white is icing sugar and the squares are where the cakes once were. I'm not sure this is exactly what Sarah meant when she was talking about negative space ;)

Was a long drive home... the GPS decided that the quickest route would be to go north on the M1 and then M6-M42 to the M5... and indeed it took 4 hours to get home, at least if you take out the time for stopping at the services and an attempt to take a photo of the amazing weather. By the time we had stopped, I had just about missed the spectacular part of it... shame... still, Sarah managed to get it so at least one of us did! oh and it would also appear that Kathm also blipped a bit of the weather too :)

On the rest of the journey I had a play with the TomTom app for the iPhone... bought a speed camera add-on for it... which failed to tell us of two speed cameras (no we weren't speeding!)... however, whilst playing with it and tapping various icons, I somehow managed to add a speed camera location on the M5 where there isn't one... this will be shared with other users... ooops...

I then found that you can buy different voices for it... I had to get Yoda and Darth Vader... oh my it is hilarious! If you go the wrong way good old DV says that he finds your lack of faith disturbing... and yoda tells you things like "in 800 yards, the roundabout you should cross, 2nd exit"...

So... my title... oh crums, what a long day! back in work first thing tomorrow morning... best get to bed...

Night night all... it was fun :)

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