Alas no time to take many pics today - apart from a quick trip into town this morning I've spent the rest of the day in the garden. Well, it's been at least three weeks since it had any attention with my being away and it was well overdue for a lawn trim and tidy up. Given that who knows what the weather will do tomorrow I figured I'd better knuckle down.
It was a pleasant day though - nice and warm, fairly sunny and a big brown bin filled up by the time I'd finished. I'm now showered, scrubbed, fed, coffee by my side and in about 15 minutes will settle down to Dr Who.
Meanwhile here's an obliging frog - he/she had no problems with my sticking a camera in it's face :) Maybe tomorrow I'll get a bit more creative!
- 7
- 3
- Sony DSLR-A350
- 1/100
- f/2.8
- 50mm
- 100
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