Fence line weeds...

.....just popped out before the sun disappeared to take this. Looking into the sun has given the fence wire some lovely bokeh.

Been a very busy day, lawns mowed, potatoes planted, pots on terrace sorted, tidied rhodo gardens, shifted cattle, washing out & in nicely dried.....now just dinner to sort & ofcourse more rugby to watch.

Wasn't the opening ceromony fantastic - you see NZ can mix it with the best, followed by a win to our All Blacks against Tonga, Auckland did a great job (mostly) of hosting 200,000 of people at the Viaduct then 60,000 at the game.....awesome fire works display too:)

You all loved this little bloke....thanks so much for the generous comments, he sat all day up there in Spotlight.

Big game tonight at Dunedin, England (in black...huh!!) v Argentina - I'll be sitting on the fence....ouch!!


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