ijil Rainbow Hawk Giver

By ijilRHG

310 High Street, Portsmouth, VA

Chapman Jewelers & Silversmiths
310 High Street, Portsmouth, Virginia

Here is my first find today in my lettering and topography quest near the TCC Visual Arts Center.

This Narrow building is tucked near the middle of the street, and I almost walked by it, it had such a narrow storefront. The sundial on the building's facade caught my attention first, and then I looked down to find the CHAPMAN in the doorway - I almost squealed.

I have not yet identified the material used in the spelling of the name. There is a reddish tint to it and it is made of hundreds of tiny little stones (it maybe terrazzo but doesn't quite look right for that material). CHAPMAN is set into almost white travertine, which is safe set into this covered recessed entryway.

Typeface is a (just my guess at this point): Serif, Romans, .

Additionally, under the sundial on the facade, there are 'scars' where the metal name of CHAPMAN has been removed (there are shadow scars of the lettering). I almost wish that had not happened, but instead had remained, because this then might be called the CHAPMAN building for a longer time. 301 High Street is a very nice structure. In addition, there is a nice Greek style key motif along the upper termination (roof line). And the building's exterior front facade is faced in a light grey, probably a limestone. Very attractive.

The Sundial is very handsome. It is unfortunate that the '5' from IV and V, is missing. Note how much larger the XII is from the other numbers.

It appears this business has recently closed, as there were workman on the interior 'doing things'. The interior has very nice floor to ceiling wooden cabinets with glass fronts and lower drawers lining both sides.

sure hope I can figure this all out (correct information) by the seven day cut off period for blog edits! Is there a seven day blog edit restriction for full members? ...if not, maybe soon I can get one of those...

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